
Saturday, February 16, 2013

100 Ideas for a Mommy Break

Top 10 signs you need a Mom Break from
1. You forget your name.
2. You start to think the smell of spit-up is kind of comforting.
3. You not only talk to the baby, you ask him for wardrobe advice.
4. Your most exciting revelation of the week: The ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle are exactly the same.
5. You refer to your husband as “Daddy.” Even in bed. And not in a sexy way.
6. You water the dog and feed the plant.
7. You have actual conversations with friends about the baby’s toots.
8. You catch yourself wondering if maybe those leftover strained peas would be good in an omelet.
9. Your idea of a fun time? Using shampoo and conditioner.
10. You forget the baby’s name.

All mom’s need a break sometime! As a stay-at-home mom I get those “why do you need a break” look when I mention something about being tired, having a long day, or wanting a break. No, I do not work a 9-5 job. But that doesn’t mean I don’t work! As a stay-at-home mom, I work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I do not get pay checks, sick days, or vacation time. I am required to do a long list of duties that include: maid, cook, taxi driver, nurse, teacher, personal shopper, and laundry service. The estimated cost of a stay-at-home mom’s salary is over $100,000 A WEEK. I am very grateful that I have a wonderful man that works so I am able to be a stay-at-home mom. Sure, sometimes it is difficult, but there is nowhere else I would rather be. 

Have you ever had those moments when you want to have a conversation that doesn’t involve who went into time out, the color your newborn’s poop, or just a conversation with someone who can talk back? Moms need a break. Not the 10 minute shower you get a day, the weekly trip to the grocery store, or the nightly task of making dinner for the family. I know being a mom is stressful and it doesn’t matter if we are a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, we still need a break! Hand the babies off to dad or take the kids to the grandparents’ house and enjoy some time to yourself. This list really plays on the idea of "look good, feel good!"

100 Ideas for a Mommy Break:

1.    Treat yourself to a new pair of shoes
2.   Plant a garden
3.    Redecorate a room
4.   Spend the day in bed
5.    Organize your closet
6.    Put fresh flowers around your house
7.     Go to lunch with the girls
8.    Try a new hair style
9.     Get a Mani and Pedi
10. Watch a marathon on your favorite TV show
11. Do some yoga
12.  Be a tourist in your own city
13.Buy new lipstick
14.  Buy some sexy sleepwear
15. Take a hot bath
16. Start reading a book
17. Get a massage
18. Hang up new pictures
19. Have a girls night out
20.  Go to the movies
21.  Bake cupcakes
22. Go on a shopping spree
23. Dye your hair
24. Go to the spa
25.  Do an at-home facial
26.  Watch your favorite chick flick
27. Read fashion and gossip magazines
28.  Buy a new perfume
29. Do your make up
30.Have a drink.. or two!
31.Have girl talk
32. Sign up for a gym class
33.  Get a tan
34. Update your iTunes collection
35.Sing karaoke
36.Go on a romantic date night with your man
37. Go dancing
38.Have a game night
39. Take a break from your diet
40.  Buy new jewelry
41.  Start a scrap book
42. Find a project at a flea market
43. Donate old clothes or toys
44. Watch the sunset at the lake or beach
45.  Make a recipe book
46.  Read a romance novel
47. Learn how to knit
48.  Work on your photography skills
49. Write a biography
50. Learn a new language
51. Go to an art museum
52.  Go to a candle store
53.Make pottery
54.  Learn how to belly dance
55. Buy a new dress
56. Have someone cook dinner for you
57. Go eat at a desert shop
58. Go for a walk
59. Buy new bras and panties
60. Update your Keurig coffee flavors
61. Update your nail polish collection
62.  Buy cute baking pans
63.Get a wax
64.  Buy a new purse
65. Buy new make-up
66. Try a new restaurant
67. Go to a concert
68. Stay the night at a fancy hotel and order room service
69. Hire a maid service for the day
70. Put all your pictures into photo albums
71. Get rid of clutter
72. Buy a new bedspread
73. Go to a sporting event
74. Go to the shooting range
75. Go swimming
76. Rent jet skis for the day
77.  Go tubing down a river
78. Go kayaking
79.  Shop around at a book store
80. Go for coffee with someone
81. Paint on a canvas
82.  Paint pottery
83.Try to make your own clothes
84.  Get your eyebrows done
85. Buy a new phone case
86. Buy a new wallet
87. Try to make a soufflé
88. Organize all of your important papers
89. Buy cute thank you notes
90. Start a work out DVD
91. Watch a black and white movie
92. Start a DIY project from Pinterest
93. Buy a new camera
94. Buy a scarf and learn different way to wear it
95. Go out for drinks with someone
96. Buy cute wall decorations
97.  Decorate your stair case
98. Plan a family vacation
99.  Make a family calendar with your family’s pictures
100. Organize your bathroom cabinets

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